فارسی عربي

ifilm's exclusive interview with Mehdi Pakdel

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Iranian actor Mehdi Pakdel talks about his experience of acting in the movie ‘Muhammad: The messenger of God’ .

In an exclusive interview with ifilm, Iranian actor Mehdi Pakdel talks about his experience of acting in the movie ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’ directed by Majid Majidi which depicts the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his childhood. The movie is the first installment in a trilogy aimed to chronicle the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Below is a rough translation of selected parts from the interview conducted by ifilm in Persian.

ifilm: How was it like to perform in a movie that bears the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the title? How were you chosen to play in this movie?

Pakdel: Let me begin by telling you about how I became part of this great project. As I have explained before, I did not choose to portray Abu Taleb but I was chosen for the role by the filmmaker.

At that time, I really wanted to work with a prominent filmmaker and I thought that I deserved better recognition and when I heard about this project, I truly wanted to be a part of it. But I had no idea what to do and I thought nobody wanted me to act in the movie since it was already one year into the project and different actors had already been invited to audition.

They had a professional makeup team from Italy and would only accept those actors who were successful in their makeup test. I had also heard that all the actors were already chosen and the project is ready to go on to the shooting stage. So, I had no hope of performing in the movie and when a friend of mine asked me to work in a short film I accepted. On the same day that I accpted the offer to play in the short fim, I spoke with some of the crew member of the movie ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’ including the film’s cinematographer and wished them all luck.

I had lost all hope until one day when I was working on the short film I got a phone call from an unknown number. Naturally, since I was performing, I could not answer my phone. Later I got a text message from the same number. Had it not been for that text message, I probably would have never joined 'Muhammad: The Messenger of God'. The text messaged read that “I am Mohsen Gharaei, Mr. Majidi’s assistant. Please call me about the Muhammad (PBUH) project.” When I called him he mentioned that he got my number from Afshin Hashemi who is one of my best friends in theater.

When Mohsen asked me to go for a makeup test, I asked him if the auditioning is still going on and he said that they are still looking for the main character that is Abu Taleb. I asked him to repeat. Abu Taleb? The main character? He said yes and I immediately accepted. The next morning I had an hour long makeup test. When Mr. Majid Majidi and Mr. Reza Mirkarimi saw me with that makeup and in that costume they said “he is the one and we found him.” After that, all the process of me joining the project like signing the contract was taken care of in a few days and we started practicing.

ifilm: What happened after you signed the contract and what was it like to work with Mr. Majidi?

Pakdel: He, above all, explained to me the significance of the role and my difficult responsibility in the movie. He spoke of the sensitivity and the importance of the role so much that I told him he is scaring me and I already know how sensitive the role of Abu Taleb is and how important it will be for my career as well; I will do this job just as carefully as you are explaining. Time and time again Majid Majidi reminded me “You are portraying the father of Imam Ali (AS).” It was truly a difficult responsibility for all of us. If I was ever tired, I would never let it interfere with my performance since I knew it would be beyond the forbearance of any director who is responsible for a movie for an audience of more than a billion.

During the period I was working with Majidi, I could see the sense of responsibility even in his eyes. Believe me, this huge responsibility is no joke. Imagine you are in charge of a movie that deals with the beliefs of more than a billion people. The subject of the movie is transnational and international encompassing the beliefs of so many people. If an error happens for a moment, the ramifications could be immense.

ifilm: Tell us a little about the difficulties of your role.

Pakdel: My makeup would take 9 hours for Abu Taleb’s old age and my skin was badly affected by it. We shot the sequences of his old age early in the project but I would not let my damaged skin to influence my performance or be seen.

What I want to say is that for me playing in this role was not acting but was like worshiping; a great feeling I never wanted to end unlike some projects that I want to wrap up fast. I do not think that any film could repeat my experience in ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’. I never wanted those days to end but to remain in that atmosphere even though it was a physically daunting job.

At the early stages of the project, I had some horseback riding scenes and I once fell off a horse and broke my ribs. So, we had to take many of my scenes on horses with broken ribs but I enjoyed my job and would not let my pain to show.

ifilm: In an interview, you mentioned actor Shahab Hosseini in regards to the project.

Pakdel: Yes. When the decision to have me in the project was finalized, my photo with the makeup was published by newspapers and news agencies and Shahab Hosseini was the only person who called me to congratulate me for the part and told me that I was the best choice for the role and his kindness gave me so much energy.

ifilm: When the film was finished, it did not take part in any festivals and consequently you did not win any special awards for it.

Pakdel: I believe it is the final result of the movie that counts and it will be a lasting film. ‘Muhammad: The messenger of God’ was seen by everyone and playing this role means to me more than any award and it was such a special performance and experience that I will never trade it with anything else.

ifilm: Can we say that role of Abu Taleb has been your best performance?

Pakdel: Yes, of course. This movie and the role of Abu Taleb is absolutely the most important experience on my professional résumé. This is an experience I can be proud of even after death and I am glad to have done it.

ifilm: Eid al-Mab'ath (anniversary of the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the day he was appointed by God to be His last messenger) is upon us. Do you have anything to say about that?

Pakdel: I am proud to be a Muslim and to have such a kindhearted and caring prophet.

Interview conducted by Hanieh Khavari

* To read more about Mehdi Pakdel click here.

