The movie, written and directed by Hossein Mahkam, is about Saeed, a troubled young man who has ended up in a reformatory after blinding another boy in an accident.
His mother is restless to have her son back. She puts pressure on her brother, a psychologist who works in the reformatory, and Majid, Saeed’s lawyer, who’s in a serious relationship with her, to get her son released on parole.
The movie cast list includes Rambod Javan, Hengameh Qaziyani, Shahrokh Foroutanian, Alireza Aqakhani, Alireza Mozaffari, Mohammad-Ali Kiani, Hossein Pakdel, Mohammad Kart, and Baharan Bani-Ahmadi.
‘Parole’, made in 2013, is scheduled to go on air at 22:00 GMT.
ifilm English will also repeat the movie the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00 (all GMT times).