Directed by Mohammad Khalili, the 11-minute film is about a little flower seller who does something wrong and regrets his behavior towards his customer and tries to make up for his mistake.
The short film has already gone on screen at global events such as the the BAMkids Film Festival in the US.
The 16th CFFS went completely virtual to honor the theme of "Love & Light," and to inspire empathy, understanding, and a nuanced view of the world.
This year's festival featured four feature films and 16 short film programs representing 36 countries, with live-action and animated films delineated by age-appropriate viewing brackets. In total, there were 133 films in the festival this year.
Since 2005, the CFFS has used film as a tool for championing racial equity, diversity, inclusivity, social justice, global awareness, and the best in visual storytelling for young people.
Crafted with care and concern for the urgent issues of the moment, the festival stands out for its ability to showcase the best and brightest in international cinema, while always upholding its values and commitment to creating intimate, community-minded viewing experiences.
The 2021 edition of the CFFS was held on February 18-28.