Written, produced and directed by Hassan Najmabadi, the short film is about six teenage boys in a remote village who decide to work in the corrals in order to raise the money they need to rent an 8-mm movie projector from a tour guide.
The cast list of ‘Aparat’ includes Mehdi Qolizadeh, Ebrahim Najmabadi, Emad Mohebbi, Abolfazl Najmabadi, Amir Najmabadi, Amir-Mohammad Najmabadi, Mohammad-Reza Najmabadi, Zari Najmabadi, and Mehdi Rezaee.
‘Aparat’ has previously participated in the Batumi International Art-House Film Festival (BIAFF) in Georgia, International Children’s Film Festival – Cinekid ScreeningClub in Amsterdam, and the Gold Coast Film Festival in the US.
According to the official website of the Arlington Film Festival, “it offers a unique opportunity for cross-cultural education by promoting understanding of the many cultures represented in our town and beyond”.
The festival is scheduled for November 4-14, 2021.