فارسی عربي

Who is 'The Lady General' star

Let's get to know star of iFilm new series 'The Lady General'.

Let's get to know star of iFilm new series 'The Lady General' directed by Parviz Sheikh-Tadi.

The series highlights a female lead who did her best to play her part just like a man for her homeland. If you would like to know the actress playing the role of the courageous woman, here are some interesting details about her career.

Pantea Sirous who is the star of this new IFilm series is an Iranian actress and painter. Her most notable roles on the big screen are 'Khargioush' by Mani Baghbani, 'A Man without a Shadow' by Alireza Raeisian, and '5 p.m' by Mehran Modiri.

Born in 1975, the actress has been awarded at some national film events for her performances in such movies as 'Everything is Fine' by  Pourya Azarbayjani.

She has published on her Instagram a photo of herself standing near the statue of the real-life character in the series known as General Maryam Bakhtiari.

