Written and directed by Panah Panahi, the feature film follows a chaotic, tender family that is on a road trip across a rugged landscape and fussing over the sick dog and getting on each others’ nerves. Only the mysterious older brother is quiet.
Hassan Majouni, Pantea Panahiha, Rayan Sarlak, and Amin Simiar are on the cast list of the 93-minute movie.
Set to compete at the Singapore International Film Festival, ‘Hit the Road’ was a success during Directors' Fortnight at this year’s edition of the Cannes Film Festival in France.
It has also gone on screen at some global events, including the Chicago International Film Festival in the US, the Calgary International Film Festival in Canada and the Zurich Film Festival in Switzerland, the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the Czech Republic, the Vancouver International Film Festival in Canada, the Sydney Film Festival in Australia, the New Horizons International Film Festival in Poland, and the BFI London Film Festival in the UK, where it won the best film award.
Read more:
London fest awards Iran’s ‘Hit the Road’