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Anima Mundi 2017 to screen 2 Iranian short films

The 25th Anima Mundi international animation festival in Brazil is to screen 2 Iranian short animated movies.

The 25th edition of the Anima Mundi international animation festival in Brazil has scheduled to screen two Iranian short animated movies.

The Iranian animations ‘Entracte’ and ‘Jamshid, a Lament for a Myth’ will go on the Brazilian screen at Short Films section, which is among the competitive categories of the event.

Produced by Iran’s Documentary and Experimental Film Center, ‘Jamshid, a Lament for a Myth’, directed by Moin Samadi, is a free chronicle on the character of Jamshid (Yam) in Shahnameh and other ancient Persian scripture.

The 7-minute animation ‘Entracte’, directed by Seyyed-Mohammadreza Kheradmandan, tells the story of an Israeli sniper who published a post on his Instagram page claiming to kill 13 Palestinian children in a course of a day activity, during the 2014 Gaza War.

The festival will also screen three Iranian titles at the International Panorama section, which is non-competitive.

The organizers of the 25th edition of the festival have selected 345 animations from 45 countries to go on screen in two major cities of Brazil.

Launched in 1993, Anima Mundi aims to strengthen the animation sector in Brazil.

Over a time interval of 25 years, it has become an animation platform that offers different experiences to animators, educators, producers and animation aficionados from all over the world.

This edition of the Brazilian event is slated for July 18-23 in Rio de Janeiro and July 26-30 in São Paulo.

