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فارسی عربي

Can disguised duo stay serious?

In the upcoming episode of 'Made in Iran', our beloved con-men are on a serious mission and are going undercover in traditional Arab garments.

In the upcoming episode of 'Made in Iran', our beloved con-men are on a serious mission and are going undercover in traditional Arab garments.

However, their comedic acts may pose a threat to the success of their mission. Are they truly being goofy, or is there a hidden motive behind their actions?

Tune in to the next episode of "Made in Iran" to unravel this mystery!

iFilm airs the next episode at 20:00 GMT.

A synopsis for the series reads, "An Iranian scientist has come up with an invention that could change the world – a white powder that purifies any type of water and converts it into clean fuel."

It adds, "However, a two-bit thief named Gholam steals his briefcase containing the white powder and a laptop with the formula for it. On the run from the cops, he leaves Iran with a forged passport as the scientist. He goes to France and meets up with his childhood buddy, and the two of them scheme to sell the invention and make a fortune."

