فارسی عربي


Armenia High Fest to host Iran troupes

The 17th HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival is to play host to seven Iranian theater troupes.  

The lineup includes Amir Asani’s ‘Ilion, The History of Destruction’, ‘Woyzeck’ co-directed by Qasem Tangsirinejad and Mahsa Rahsepar, Zahra Moridi’s ‘Deep in the Ocean’ and ‘Marshmallow’ by Beigjani.

‘Stories of My Homeland’ will also go on stage by Namik theatre troupe led by Sohrab Khajenejad and Firuzeh Modir Khorasani.

Meisam Moradi’s troupe Darya will also perform ‘Dream’ while ‘Yashil’ will go on stage by Oynar troupe led by director Mehdi Salehyar.

Iran will compete with over 50 troupes from countries such as Korea, Russia, U.S., Brazil, Italy, UK, Sweden and Poland.

The festival is set to be held in the two sections of stage and street performances.

The Armenia High Fest is to be held on October 1-8, 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia.

