فارسی عربي


Cinema Vérité receives 6000 entries

Over 6000 films have requested to participate at the Cinema Vérité in Iran.

Following the festival’s call for entries, 6000 films from 100 countries have requested to vie at the 13th edition of the event.

Documentaries on entrepreneurship, innovative business, startups, online markets, promotion of national products, and development of the national economy will be judged at the section.

The section is being set in collaboration with Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA).

The top three documentaries will be awarded during the 13th Cinema Vérité.

Organized by the Documentary and Experimental Film Center, the first edition of the Cinema Vérité was held in 2007.

Over the past decade it has emerged as one of the important events on Iran's documentary film calendar.

The 13th edition of the Cinema Vérité will take place in December 2019.

