فارسی عربي


Iranian filmmakers to join SFTF jury

Two Iranian short filmmakers have been selected to join the jury panel of the Sci-Fi, Terror and Fantasy Film Festival (SFTF) in Columbia.

Short filmmakers Kasra Tirsahar and Amir-Ali Mohajeri will judge at the third edition of the Columbian event.

Tirsahar has made short films such as ‘Room 13’ which received some international awards and nominations.

Writer, editor, and director Mohajeri is the director of award-winning short film ‘Bring Me Back to Life’.

Every month the SFTF projects five short films which are the best of the month related to Sci-Fi, Terror (Horror) and Fantasy.

The public will choose the best Short Film which is going to enter in a competition to participate at the ShowCase Category of the event.

