فارسی عربي


‘Driving Lessons’ to vie at Russian fest

Acclaimed Iranian short flick ‘Driving Lessons’ has made away into the official selection of the Kazan Muslim Film Festival in Russia.

The 16th edition of the Russian screening event will host Marzieh Riahi’s 13-minute film.

“Bahareh must have her husband accompany her during driving lessons so that she and her male instructor are not left alone together without a third party presence,” writes Kazan Muslim filmfest about the movie.

‘Driving Lessons’ stars Linda Kiani, Alireza Sanifar, Salar Khamseh, and Sanaz Mesbah.  

Some of the latest accolades grabbed by ‘Driving Lessons’ are Best Short Narrative award from the 21st Through Women’s Eyes Int’l Film Festival (TWE) as well as the Best Long Narrative award from the 42 Annual Big Muddy Film Festival, both held in the US.

This year on August, ‘Driving Lessons’ will be also entering the competition at the 2020 Cine Invisible (Festival International Film Sozialak 2020 Bilbao) in Spain.

To know more about the international film festivals where Riahi’s flick made an appearance, click here.

Listed as another Iranian contender at the Kazan final selection is Mehdi Azari and Amin Ektesabi coproduction ‘Epilogue’.

The Kazan Muslim Film Festival is known as one of the largest annual film forums in Russia with the aim to promote peace and intercultural dialogue.

According to the organizers of the festival, the 2020 Kazan fest will be held virtually due to the coronavirus crisis. The winners’ list will be also announced early September.



