فارسی عربي


Chilean fest to embrace Iran short

The Arica Native Rural Film Festival (Festival de Peliculas Nativas) in Chile is scheduled to showcase acclaimed Iranian short documentary movie ‘Gando’.

The short film, directed by Teimour Qaderi, will join the competition at the 15th edition of the Chilean film event. 

‘Gando’ is the story of a little girl named Hawa who lives in a village in the Iranian province of Sistan and Balouchestan. She has been attacked by a crocodile and lost her arm.

The little girl shown in the flick is one of many kids in that province who have to travel long paths to fetch water from ponds where Gandos (type of crocodile local to south of Iran) reside.

The little kids are attacked by the wild reptiles and as a result they are either eaten alive or mutilated.

The 8-minute flick has already been screened at a number of global events and has been granted some awards, including the best documentary at the Muslim Film Festival in Australia, an honorary mention at the Int’l Maritime Film Festival in the US and the best film at the Humboldt Int’l Film Fest also in the US.

The Arica Native Rural Film Festival aims “to make children, youth and adults fall in love with the natural and cultural treasures that remain heroically in the rural and indigenous areas of the planet”, according to the official website of the event.

This year’s edition of the fest is slated for November 6-15.

