فارسی عربي


‘Bullets of Baptism’ to go to MikroFAF

The MikroFAF-International festival of DIY and independent short film in Serbia has scheduled to screen Iranian short flick ‘Bullets of Baptism’.

The 11th edition of the Serbian event, which will be held online over the coronavirus pandemic, will host Zivar Hojjati’s 12-minute film.

‘Bullets of Baptism’ tells the story of a man encountering himself.

The film with no dialogue is a realistic depiction of the man in different situations.

The short film has only one character, played by Akbar Kholqi, and everything is happening in his mind.

The short flick will also take part in the Crossing The Screen film festival in the UK this November.

Iran’s ‘Hanged’, directed by Roqiyeh Tavakkoli, won the Best Short Film award at the previous edition of the MikroFAF.

The 2020 edition of the event is slated for November 13-15.

Read more:

Iran’s ‘Malakout’ to take part in MikroFAF fest

