فارسی عربي


‘The 23’ book goes for sequel

‘The 23’, a real POW’s story by war veteran Ahmad Yousefzadeh who has authored the book in two volumes, is set to go for a sequel.  

‘The 23’ recounts the memoirs of Yousefzadeh, one of the 23 volunteers who were held captive during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.

“The third book will be the final one, which will contain my memories of captivity at the Mosul Camp in Iraq during the last years of my detention in the camp,” Yusefzadeh has said.

The book, the sequel of which will be published next year, tells of the early months of their captivity and the events they confront, and later their visit with the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Filmmaker Mehdi Jafari made a screen adaptation of the story in 2018, which grabbed six National Will Manifestation awards of the 37th Fajr Film Festival in Iran. It has also been named the film of the year by Iranian National Commission for UNESCO.

‘The 23’ also received the award for best screenplay at the 16th edition of the Resistance International Film Festival in November 2020.

Also read:

Watch ‘The 23’ meeting with Saddam Hussein

ifilm exclusive report on ‘The 23’

‘The 23’ creates group hero: Director to ifilm

