فارسی عربي


Worst film of 37th FFF to reopen cinemas

‘Watching This Movie Is a Crime’ has been selected to reopen movie theaters in some Iranian cities.

Reza Zehtabchian’s directing debut ‘Watching This Movie Is a Crime’ will reopen the movie theaters after a long closure set to control the spread of coronavirus in Iran.

Qader Ashena, director of Iran’s Dramatic Arts Center, said the transmission chain of the COVID-19 has dropped off and Tehran’s condition has changed from high-risk red zone to orange and yellow, so, the theaters will also reopen.

Pointing out that all theaters can reopen and theater troupes can begin their performances in yellow zone cities, Ashena added, “We are happy that there is this opportunity to reopen the halls and we hope all the cities turn into the white zone.”

‘Watching This Movie Is a Crime’ that went on screen at the New Look section of the 37th FFF – for first-time directors – was selected as the worst title of the event.

Produced by Mohammad-Reza Shafah, the movie is a political thriller centered on a hostage situation.

“All I wanted was five-minute footage in order to defend my wife and daughter later, but they didn’t cut me a break… The sound of their sirens is getting closer… They’re going to pour in here any second now…”, a brief excerpt from the film reads.

The film’s cast list includes Amir Aqaee, Linda Kiani, Hossein Pakdel, Mahmoud Pakniyyat, Hamid Ebrahimi, Mehdi Zaminpardaz, and Hamid-Reza Pegah.

Read more:

Fajr Film Festival 2019 presents Golden Barberry

Fajr contestant 'Watching This Movie Is a Crime' boosts national unity

