فارسی عربي


India hosts Iran film

Iranian feature ‘Original Idea’ has made its way to the Chennai International Film Festival (CIFF) in India.

The 2021 edition of the event is hosting Iran’s 2019 production directed by Azita Mougouee.

A brief plot for the film reads, “Iran and Spain have agreed to launch a big project in the island of Hendurabi in south of Iran.

Many companies and people have participated in the tender offer with the aim of winning it and gaining big sum of easy money out of such cushy business.”

Some of the flick’s cast members are already known by ifilm viewers.

Merila Zarei, for instance, has been in a big number of the films and series aired by the channel such as ‘Golden Diet’, ‘Bodyguard’, ‘The Fighter Rooster’, ‘The Seamen’, ‘The Pahlavi Hat’ and ‘Chamran’.

Pejman Jamshidi is also very popular among ifilmers with his hit series ‘Pejman’ which is a satirical comedy on his career as an ex-professional football player.

Bahram Radan, Hanieh Tavassoli, and Mehrdad Seddiqian have also starred in the film.

A total of 91 films from 53 countries are currently on screen at the 18th CIFF.

The organizers have arranged several workshops to be conducted by eminent personalities from the film industry and literature.

The 18th CIFF is underway from February 18-25, 2021.

