فارسی عربي


Dutch artists, lovers of Persian music

Dutch music ensemble Rembrandt Frerichs trio visits Iranian city of Tehran and Shiraz while attending Fajr Music Festival in Iran.

The Dutch ensemble has performed some music pieces in tune with Persian melodies.

The trio has already played music in collaboration with Iranian singers of traditional music as well as giving a concert in Iran.

World-famous Iranian kamancheh master Kayhan Kalhor and the three Dutch jazz musicians of the Rembrandt Frerichs Trio met in 2013 at the November Music Festival in the Netherlands.

The musicians formed a deep friendship that led to a unique collaboration titled ‘ It’s Still Autumn’.

Rembrandt and his colleagues in the trio are lovers of Persian music, although they don’t see the point in imitating it, but prefer to create something new.

In the video attached, you can see the artists visiting the Iranian cities of Tehran and Shiraz while visiting Iran for a performance at Fajr music fest. 

