فارسی عربي


Adornments for Iran women’s ethnic wear

Iranian women ornament their ethnic wear with astonishing adornments, including bracelets, shawls and anklets.

You may wonder what these adornments mean in ethnic minorities' attire. Nomads and village citizens try not to have extra belongings with them due to the difficulty in seasonal moving and living in general. In this case, they make the best use of their belongings as much as possible. For instance, they thread seeds of cloves and fresh fenugreek, among others, using them to make a necklace.

As such, an ethnic decoration turns to be mythical and is connected to a belief and besides all this, it has visual beauty. You have probably now realized how deeply different ethnic women's jewelry and ornaments are from that of other Iranian women.

Below are some of these ornaments used to decorate ethnic wear belonging to various minorities in Iran. 

