فارسی عربي


Sofia to show ‘The Tortoise & the Snail’

The 14th Sofia Middle East and North Africa Region Film Festival in Bulgaria has been set to screen ‘The Tortoise & the Snail’ from Iran.

Directed by Reza Hemasi, the movie tells the story of a clash of generations.

The mother of 10-year-old Pedram will not stop controlling her son. The boy dreams of being independent and often does the exact opposite of what his mother wants.

Once, Pedram meets an unknown man, in whose face he sees his savior. Will this meeting change the boy’s worldview and how will the new friendship affect him?

Ali Mosaffa, Leila Zare, Sam Nouri, Mehran Nael, Pantea Mehdinia, Mohammad Narimani, Hamid Kheradmandi, Zohreh Hejazi, and Ali Rastegari are on the cast list of the flick.

‘The Tortoise & the Snail’ has been written by Mohsen Rezaee and coproduced by Houshang Nourollahi and Shahram Gilabadi.

‘Atabai’ by Niki Karimi, ‘No Choice’ by Reza Dormishian, ‘When Pomegranates Howl’ by Granaza Mousavi, and Mohsen Qaraee’s ‘Without Everything’ are the other representatives of Iran at the 14th Sofia MENAR.

The Sofia MENAR presents the best of the Middle East and North Africa film productions, including feature films, documentaries and short projects.

According to the official website of the event, the term MENAR (the Middle East and North Africa Region) is “an acronym often used to cover an extensive area, stretching from Morocco to Iran, including the majority of both the Middle Eastern and Maghreb countries.”

The upcoming edition of the event is slated for January 14-30, 2022.

Read more:

Sofia MENAR to screen ‘Without Everything’ from Iran

‘Atabai’ to head to 2022 Sofia MENAR Film Festival

Sofia MENAR Film Festival to host Iran’s ‘No Choice’

Sofia MENAR to show ‘When Pomegranates Howl’

