فارسی عربي


‘Crows’ to vie at Bulgarian fest

Iranian-Canadian feature film ‘Crows’ has been slated to participate in the Sofia Middle East and North Africa Region Film Festival (Sofia MENAR) in Bulgaria.

Made by Naqi Nemati, the feature film is about a loner who spends all day wandering in nature looking for birds to hunt and sell.

One day, he comes across a corpse and realizes it belongs to one of the wealthy residents of the city, who has been declared wanted.

The man decides to make easy money by blackmailing the victim’s family but everything does not go as he planned.

The film has already been shown at a number of global events, including the Sao Paulo International Film Festival in Brazil.

The Sofia MENAR presents the best of the Middle East and North Africa film productions, including feature films, documentaries and short projects.

According to the official website of the event, the term MENAR is “an acronym often used to cover an extensive area, stretching from Morocco to Iran, including the majority of both the Middle Eastern and Maghreb countries.”

The upcoming edition of the event is slated for January 14-30, 2022.

