فارسی عربي


Iran doc hits French screens

Iranian documentary ‘Sunless Shadows’ is having public screening in French cinemas.

The award-winning documentary hit French silver screens in Paris, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Lille and Toulouse since January 26.

Made by Mehrdad Oskouee, the documentary narrates the story of five young women who are jailed in a small juvenile detention center for murder.

Through breathtaking monologues, the women clarify the circumstances of the murders and even their motives.

Occasionally, the documentarian leaves the women alone with the camera, allowing it to become a tool for them to address both their victims in the afterlife and their accomplices.

‘Sunless Shadows’ was named the Opening Film at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam in the Netherlands, which was the film’s international premiere and brought the festival’s best director award to Oskouee.

