فارسی عربي


ROFiFE to show ‘Farewell at Silver Hill’

The International Rotary Short Film Festival (ROFiFE) in Turkey has been set to screen Iranian documentary ‘Farewell at Silver Hill’.

The Iranian Youth Cinema Society reported that ‘Farewell at Silver Hill’, directed by Mehdi Sahebdel and Yashar Kamizi, will take part in the 14th edition of the ROFiFE.

“A group of fishers in a village in northeastern Iran unite together to save their city from floods by building a dam with their own hands. They manage to keep water from entering their city, but pay an irreparable price for it,” a synopsis for the 20-minute film reads.

Earlier reports said Iranian short film ‘Face’, directed by Sasan Khanalizadeh, will also compete at the ROFiFE.

The ROFiFE is organized by Rotary, “the first and biggest Non-Governmental Organization of the World that enhances quality of lives of societies, targets to meet societal needs, operates becoming widespread of world peace and intercultural sympathy”, website of the event reads.

Rotary has formed its main philosophy under six main topics, including “Peace and Prevention of Conflicts, Prevention and Treatment of Illnesses, Water and Sanitization, Maternal and Child Health Primary Education and Literacy, and Economic and Social Progress.”

The 14th edition of the ROFiFE will take place on March 17-20, 2022.

