فارسی عربي


India’s Kerala showing ‘Absence’

‘Absence’ from Iran, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic has been going on screen at the 26th edition of the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK) in India.

Written and directed by Ali Mosaffa, the 100-minute movie is about an Iranian man who visits Prague to investigate his father’s youth in the city.

He finds himself in the shoes of a third man who is almost dead and happens to be of Iranian origin.

‘Absence’ won a runner-up film prize at the Asian film competition of the Bengaluru International Film Festival in India.

The cast list includes Magdaléna Borová, Zuzana Krónerová, Klára Melísková, Adam Vacula, Zuzana Stivínová, and the director.

The IDSFFK is aimed to attract the participation of both filmmakers and viewers in order to create dialogues and debates.

The 26th IDSFFK, which is originally held in December every year, has been rescheduled to March 18-25, 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to be held in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of the southern Indian state of Kerala.

Following the government guidelines, the film festival will be held under Covid-19 protection measures.

Read more:

Bengaluru honors Iran’s ‘Absence’, ‘Two Dogs’

