فارسی عربي


Iranian fest Zurich receives 300-plus films

A number of 250 feature films and documentaries as well as 80 short films have entered the competition lineup of the 8th Iranian Film Festival Zurich (IFFZ).

According to the secretary of the festival Yadollah Daj, a new section titled “360-Degree Iran” has been added to this year’s edition of the festival.  

“360-Degree Iran” will feature documentaries, selected by the secretary of the event, on different Iranian events.

The best feature film will be also selected by a jury panel made of five professionals. They will be awarded with the Golden Cyrus Cylinder along with a cash price.

Another three-member jury panel will choose the best short film, which will be awarded a cash prize.

The festival is being organized to fill the cultural gap between Iranians and the Swiss, as well as the many foreigners living in Switzerland. Each year the festival presents the Swiss audience a selection of the best contemporary feature films, fiction and documentaries from all generations of Iranian filmmakers in Zurich.

The IFFZ defines itself as “a platform for presenting the Iranian culture and tradition and for building a bridge between different cultures by means of the universal language of art.”

The upcoming edition of the Iranian Film Festival Zurich will take place from May 26 to June 1, 2022.

