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We value your comments and views

Since its establishment, iFilm English Channel has welcomed any opinion, feedback, and comment from its fans.

The channel values its viewers’ comments as an opportunity to enhance the quality of the content and to better communicate with the target audience.

Here are some of the comments iFilmers have sent us:

  • Priviledge from Zimbabwe picked her favorite series on iFilm. She says “‘The Times’ is my favorite”.
  • Judith Muchena from Zimbabwe also shared her opinion: “Good day to you all. I enjoy most of your dramas. My favorite dramas are ‘The Gradual Death of a Dream’ and ‘Light and Shadow’.”
  • Wisdom Remnant Chicquhnie from Malawi wrote to us “ ‘It Was an Angel’ and ‘Light and Shadow’ always take me to another world.”
  • ‘Light and Shadow’ is also  Eeclm Double’s favorite series on iFilm’s schedule.

So far the series ‘The Times’ and ‘Light and Shadow’ have had the highest points among the viewers.

  • Ruvimbo Gumbo from Zimbabwe also picked ‘The Times’, ‘Light and Shadow’ and ‘Buried Treasure’ as his favorite films on iFilm’s schedule.
  • Gofaone from Botswana asked us to send him the final episode of ‘The Forgotten’ series. He wrote, “I did not finish the story of ‘The Forgotten’; please I need the last episode.”
  • Yakoob kalenje From Zimbabwe left us a heart-warming comment. It reads “iFilm you are the best when it comes to family matters. There is no age restriction and people of all ages can watch iFilm series.”
  • Zimbabwe Becky chose the series ‘Buried Treasure’ and ‘The Times’.
  • Thuso Rams from Botswana wrote us “I enjoy your series especially ‘Parents Problem’.”
  • Muhle Muqandani from Zimbabwe likes to watch our series online and asked for our frequencies. You can check out our frequencies here.

Some of our viewers asked for two new series ‘Sheriff’ and ‘Coma’. What do you like to watch on iFilm?

We want you to know that we make note of your comment and submit it to the management for further consideration. Keep in touch.

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