فارسی عربي


‘The Zoo’ to vie at Universal Kids Film Festival

Iranian short film ‘The Zoo’ has made its way to the Universal Kids Film Festival (UKFF) in Turkey.

The Iranian Youth Cinema Society reported that ‘The Zoo’, written and directed by Nafiseh Zare, will compete in the upcoming edition of UKFF.

The film is about Ranna, a six-year-old girl who wants to see a deer that she previously saw in her dream. As she is in the Zoo, her mother looks for the opportunity to tell Ranaa that her father has left forever.

The cast members of the film include Sonia Sanjari, Tarannom Ahangar, and Daryoush Reshadat.

The Universal Kids Film Festival, is an annual event that is “slowly but surely making an indelible mark among Turkish kids not because of its size or great fanfares, but for its tenacity in advocating peace”, according to an online submission platform.

It screens films which are appropriate for children and youth.

The upcoming edition of UKFF will kick off on September 15 and run until October 31.

