فارسی عربي


Owj Media Organization film releases poster

Iranian film ‘Asma’a’ has released official poster prior to the inauguration of Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF).

Directed by Mostafa Aghamohammadlou, the film will vie at the 39th edition of the Iranian event.

A production of Owj Arts and Media Organization, the film narrates the story of a nurse who returns a newborn baby to life with her sacrifice.

The next films to be produced by Owj will be based on the Sacred Defense, renowned martyrs, history of Islam and the events of the Islamic Revolution.

The Owj Arts and Media Organization is a Tehran-based institution producing revolutionary works in art and cinema.

This year more than 5000 films from 131 countries were submitted to the festival and the international selection committee chose 59 films to compete in the international section.

The TISFF is an Oscar-qualifying event that will be held between 19 and 24 October in Tehran, Iran.

