فارسی عربي


White lion cub born in Iran

Here is a photo of an adorable white lion cub named Sana recently born in the Iranian province of Alborz.  

Director of Chamran Park Wildlife Conservation Center said to the local media that the rare cub was born in the province's Ranger park.

Majid Dargi added, "Three years ago, 2 white lions were brought from South Africa to Alborz Province, which are kept" in the conservation center of Chamran park.

He also said the three-year-and-five-month-old lioness "named 'Dana' gave birth to her cub," but the cub was not nursed by the mother.

Many animals kept in captivity exhibit this behavior and reject their offspring.

The tiny bundle of joy, fed on special formula milk, is reportedly quite healthy and in the capable hands of Iranian veterinarians.

White lions are very valuable as they are few in number across the globe. 

