فارسی عربي


Scotland tomb bears Persian graffiti

The Dwarfie Stane is a megalithic rock-cut tomb located on Hoy island in Scotland.

The story behind the megalith has been debated, with some speculating that Viking myths of trolls may have confused the island's ancient inhabitants.

The rock-cut tomb bears various graffiti, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries. One of these is an inscription in the Persian alphabet that reads "I have sat two nights and so learnt patience," which was reportedly left by Captain William Mounsey. Above the Persian inscription is the Captain's name written backward in Latin.

The Dwarfie Stane has been an interesting source of history and legend for centuries, with its mystery and legends captivating the island's inhabitants.

Located in a steep-sided glaciated valley, the Dwarfie Stane is a 5,000-year-old chambered tomb.

