فارسی عربي


Phoenix rising from ashes in Iran

 Lake Urmia's revival brings hope to East and West Azerbaijan provinces in Iran. 

After years of fighting against environmental degradation and drought, the revival of this precious heritage is finally at hand, and it's bringing hope and joy once again.

It's been a long and difficult journey, but Lake Urmia is slowly reviving with authorities have released huge amounts of water into the lake, bringing its level up.

For Iranians, this is more than just a matter of environmental restoration. The lake is deeply intertwined with their cultural identity, and its decline has been a source of pain and nostalgia for many.

But now that the lake is coming back to life, people are flocking to its banks.

The revival of Lake Urmia is a powerful symbol of the resilience of nature and the human spirit, an example of what can be achieved when people work together to protect their heritage. 

