فارسی عربي


'This Controllable Crowd' unveils poster

The poster for new movie 'This Controllable Crowd', designed by Mohammad Rouholamin, has been unveiled.

Directed by Mohammad-Matin Ojani, the film will premiere in cinema halls nationwide on Wednesday, June 19.

The movie tells the story of a woman with dementia who still remembers her deepest wish.

The cast list includes Farideh Sepah-Mansour, Mohammad-Reza Davoudenjad, Alireza Ostadi, Zahra Davoudnejad, Ronak Barkhordar, Marjan Qamari, Rasoul Azimi, Maryam Shah-Vali, and Mohsen Ashtianipour.

The movie will be distributed by Nasim Saba Institute.

