فارسی عربي

iFilm Exclusive report on 'Hell of a Wedding'

iFilm's Exclusive Report on 'Hell of a Wedding' produced by Mohammad Ahmadi and directed by Seyyed-Reza Khatibi.


Watch iFilm's Exclusive Report on the 3-D film 'Hell of a Wedding', produced by Mohammad Ahmadi, directed by Seyyed-Reza Khatibi, and starring Mir-Taher Mazloumi and Naeemeh Nezamdoust.

Below is a transcription of the report’s highlights.

iFilm: Many movies have hit the screens in Iran and each one of them has their own fanbase. But one of them is absolutely different from the other ones. It’s a three-dimensional movie called ‘Hell of a Wedding’.

Many 3-D movies have been made across the world but this is not a common thing in the Iran cinema industry. ‘Hell of a Wedding’ is the second 3-D movie made in Iran and the first one was ‘Mr. A’, which wasn’t a hit.

Ahmadi: You know, the day we started our work, we did a lot of research because we thought if we’re going to do something, we should do it right. So, we didn’t decide to invent cinema from square one. I mean we didn’t want to handle the technical issues and the 3-D parts, which is a technical task.

So, when Mr. Khatibi said he wanted to do such a thing and proposed that I be the producer, we had a meeting with the French producer, Jamarie Buller. He was the head of the crew.

During our negotiations, we came to this decision that he takes the responsibility for the 3-D parts. He also had to bring in the necessary equipment because we didn’t have it in Iran and also the 3-D experts.

iFilm: This is a joint project between Iran and France, though the Iranian film crew have made use of the experience the French have so they won’t have to go through all the trial and error phase.

Khatibi: I talked about this project with the French producer who I had cooperated with on my first film. I told him that we’re going to work on a 3-D project and asked him whether he was in. He agreed and we began writing the screenplay.

iFilm: Being a cinema actor is different from being on television, so I suppose co-starring in a 3-D movie must be different from starring in a 2-dimensional flick.

Mazloumi: First of all I would like to welcome you. Your channel is doing something cultural and it’s somehow supporting the films that are being made in the cinema industry of Iran and that’s really valuable.

Look, in a 3-D project, the technique is more magical. The cameras were different, a number of cameras were put next to each other, the lighting was really hard, and although we had to match ourselves with the technique, we had to be careful not to get immersed in it. I mean we couldn’t allow the technique to overshadow us. But no, it’s a realistic story.

Nezamdoust: Well, you know, in general the cinema industry is different from television. When you’re supposed to work in the cinema industry, you have to act more subtly compared to when you’re on TV. Now imagine when 2-D becomes 3-D. Your acting must be much more subtle.

