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فارسی عربي

Iran Cinema Celebration to honor art, screen personalities

Iran Cinema Celebration has announced details about honorees of the event.

Iran Cinema Celebration has announced the lineup of a-list artists to be honored at latest run.

According to the public relations office of Iran Cinema House, a commemoration ceremony is to be held for Iran veteran actor Dariush Asadzadeh, well-achieved voice actor Abolhassan Tahaminejad and prominent filmmaker Dariush Mehrjoui.  

Iran author, novelist, journalist and screenwriter Seyed Mahdi Shojaee will be also awarded for a lifetime achievement in Iranian art and culture.

Dariush Asadzadeh has appeared in over 80 films, 50 series and 10 plays. He is the author of the book ‘A Journey through the History of Theater in Iran’ which is a comprehensive source of theater from the pre-Islamic era in Iran up to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Modern Iranian cinema begins with Dariush Mehrjoui who is known to be the founder of the Iranian New Wave movement. Two of his works well remembered by ifilm audience are 'Leila' and 'The Orange Suit'.  

The ceremony is due to be held on August 19, 2018 in Tehran Book Garden with Iran filmmakers, officials and artists in attendance.

