فارسی عربي

‘Sons of Sindbad’ to go on screen at Kazan Int’l Muslim Festival

Iran documentary ‘Sons of Sindbad’ is to go on the silver screen at the 14th Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan.

Iran documentary ‘Sons of Sindbad’ has been set to go on the silver screen at the 14th edition of the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan.

Directed by Reza Haeri, the flick is to represent Iran at the competition section of the Russian film event.

“In 1974, Marion Kaplan, the Photographer who worked for National Geographic Magazine, decided to prepare a report about the world’s oldest maritime trade route. She used a sailing ship to go to Africa from Persian Gulf.   In the trip, which took 4 month, she succeeded to travel with the last generation of Iranian sailors. 40 years later, she decides to repeat this experience again but this visit does not go as he intended,“ a short synopsis of the flick reads.

Launched in 2005, the Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema is being held in the capital city of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan.

The festival screens products which promote peaceful ideas, humanity and intercultural dialogue.

The motto of the festival is 'To the dialogue of cultures through the culture of dialogue'.

The 14th edition of the festival has been slated for September 4-10, 2018.

