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How TV screen affects life

ifilm’s quick tip series: 8-TV and kids

TVs, like many other types of screens, are all around us. They entertain and at times drain your energy. Here is a series of short annotated articles on how to balance your life and yourself, vis-à-vis Television and other types of entertainment on the screens.

Avoiding Television is almost inevitable for most people, as they stay tuned for hours. That includes virtually every family member from kids to grandparents. It has both got upsides and downsides. Let’s continue with the children in part eight of this series, as our next generation is what we all take utmost care about, even more than what we do for ourselves.

In the previous parts, you read about some of the pros and cons for your kids watching TV. Here is more.

TV is the first teacher your child learns from. As a parent, it might have been like you to ponder for long, how you could possibly teach your kid the values you desire and you might also do your best to spend as much quality time with them as possible. However, at the end of the day, the question lingers who actually your child’s teacher is.

Research has shown that it is TV who instructs your kids much more than you do; hence the questions are how much of their attention the TV gets and what your child learns.

Surveys show that children spend three to six hours watching TV and videos on CDs and DVDs, as well as playing video and computer games and surfing the internet. It might be alarming that by the time children enter kindergarten, they have watched some 4,000 hours of television on the average; that is even more than the time they have spent in pre-school.

In the future episode, we will deal with what kids will learn from TV.

