Directed by Reza Mehranfar, the Iranian animation ‘Watch Me’ has been screened at 2019 FilmAid Film Festival in Kenya.
So far, the animation has been screened at Oxford Film Festival in the US and the 10th Short to the Point Film Festival in Romania.
This is the first screening of the animation in Africa. The animation will continue screening until September 6.
‘Watch Me’ has been screened in refugee camps of Kakuma and Dadaab in Kenya.
“A boy lives in a world of anxiety and fear; the fear which is meaningless to others and is therefore ignored. Normal life goes on, but all he experiences is darkness and loneliness,” the short synopsis to the movie reads.
FilmAid foresees a world in which all people can lead secure and healthy lives, and benefit from full access to information and education. The fest uses film to bring the audience such information.
The twelfth edition of the festival has been slated for August 19-September 6.