فارسی عربي

ifilm talks with mega-director Majid Majidi on top movie at Fajr 2020

In an exclusive interview, director of best film at 2020 Fajr fest talks with ifilm about his latest award-winning movie 'The Sun'.

In an exclusive talk with ifilm, mega-director of best film at 2020 Fajr fest reveals details about his latest award-winning movie 'The Sun'.

ifilm talked with acclaimed Iranian director Majid Majidi whose film credits 'The Color of God' and 'The Song of Sparrows'--just to name a few--have gone beyond the Iranian borders.

His movie 'The Sun' crowned as the best title in 38th edition of Fajr Film Festival held last week in Iranian capital city of Iran.   

Below is an English translation of this interview:

ifilm: Mr. Majidi, You usually make films about social problems, explain to our audience where the idea of making the film "Sun" came from.

Majidi: If you trace my film, children play a central role in my films … I have always been concerned about the issues of children and I believe that they are ones making up the next generation This is especially important in the case of the vulnerable children in the community such as working children.

I think these kids should be regarded as a jewel and in this film we tried to portray this aspect.

ifilm: In the movie ‘The Sun’ you cast both professional actors as well as those who had never been before the camera.

Majidi: Well, that was an experience we had in previous films, but it was not as extensive like this movie. In any case, attention to the audience and the use of famous actors can help make better quality films. Although my choice of professionals was not solely for the box office sales, but also I tried to put the right actor in the right role in my movie.

The combination of professional and novice actors is one of the hardest issues in this type of films. Fortunately, a good team working in the film made it happen.

ifilm: What were your main challenges in making this movie?

ifilm: Do you think the flick can help those of the movie audiences being in the same boat?

Majidi: It can certainly be the case. Anyhow a film is made to be effective and should portray the importance of helping each other.

ifilm: How much of ‘The Sun’ movie is real?

Majidi: Well, every part of the movie is based on reality, ‘The Sun’ has a thrilling story and can be interesting to the audience.

