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فارسی عربي

‘Tasua’ to vie at MICE Filmfest

Iran doc ‘Tasua’ is to attend Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnografico Museo do Pobo Galego in Spain.

Iranian documentary ‘Tasua’ is to attend the Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnografico Museo do Pobo Galego (MICE) in Spain.

Directed by Vahid Haqverdi, the short doc will be among the final competition lineup of the 15 edition of the Spanish film event which is the International Ethnographic film Fest Museum of Galician People in English.

‘Tasoa’ is about the mourning ceremonies that Iranian people hold to commemorate the martyrdom of the third Shia Imam and his 72 faithful companions. They do so to show their love and devotion to Imam Hussein (AS).

The doc has already attended a number of international film events, including the London Lift-Off Film Festival in the UK and the Alnahj Film Festival in Iraq.

The Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnografico Museo do Pobo Galego (MICE) accepts Spanish and foreign subtitled movies.

The latest edition of the event is slated for March 23-29, 2020.

