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Int’l condolences over maestro Shajarian’s passing

International officials have offered condolences over the recent passing of legendary classical Iranian music singer, Maestro Mohammad-Reza Shajarian.

International officials have offered condolences over the recent passing of legendary classical Iranian music singer, Maestro Mohammad-Reza Shajarian.

The prolific maestro, who had been in fragile health conditions during the past year due to cancer, died at the age of 80 at Tehran's Jam Hospital last week.

He was buried in the city of Mashhad over his family’s decision, in the presence of a huge number of his fans and lovers on October 10, 2020.

Based on a report published on Press TV, many national and international officials have offered their condolences to the Iranian nation.

“Audrey Azoulay, director-general of the United Nations’ cultural body UNESCO, lamented his demise in a Persian tweet, in which she called the virtuoso “the deathless legend” of the classical Persian music.

Azoulay reminded that Shajarian’s career won him UNESCO’s Picasso Medal in 1999 over his contribution to the enrichment and development of music, and the organization’s Mozart Medal in 2006.” Press TV wrote.


Also, the UN mission in the Islamic Republic has expressed sorrow over the passing of legendary Iranian vocalist.


Foreign embassies in Iran, including the French, Swiss, Austrian, and Azerbaijani missions sent their messages over the loss too.

The Swiss mission noted that Switzerland would hold the memory of Shajarian’s concerts in the cities of Lausanne and Zurich dear.

Stefan Scholz Austrian Ambassador to Iran, expressed his heartfelt condolences to his family and the art-loving people of this region.

"Elsewhere across the world, Abdullah Abdullah, chief executive officer of Afghanistan, Hisham Sharaf Abdullah, Yemeni National Salvation Government’s foreign minister, and Nechirvan Barzani, president of the Iraqi Kurdistan also offered their messages of sympathy.

The Afghan official said Shajarian’s passing had saddened and shaken “millions of people” across the world, especially in the region and throughout Persian-speaking countries, calling him “common cultural heritage” for the regional countries, while Barzani called him ‘an irreplaceable music legend’.” Press TV report added.

The French ministry wrote on its official page on Instagram: “Mohammad Reza Shajarian sang his last song. The King of Iranian Classic Song will be remembered forever. The French Embassy in Iran extends its heartfelt condolences to his family, relatives and all Iranians.”

Ali Larijani, former parliament speaker and current advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Ali-Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, and Ali Rabi’ei, spokesman for the Iranian Administration, were also the Iranian officials speaking of the great vocalist, offering condolences to his family and the Iranian people.

