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فارسی عربي

Iranians pay tribute to their moms on national Mother’s Day

Iranian people commemorate national Mother’s Day on the birthday anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (SA).

Every year, people in Iran commemorate the national Women’s Day and Mother’s Day on the birthday anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (SA), the daughter of the holy prophet of Islam, on February 3rd. 

Lady Fatimah al-Zahra’s (SA) was the wife of Imam Ali (AS), the first Imam of Shia Muslims, and is referred to as a role model for all Muslim women.

Many Iranians take the occasion to thank and honor their mothers, grandmothers, wives, and sisters and to spend more time with them. They pay tribute to them by giving them gifts.

Video: Scene captured from ‘Strange Sisters

