Directed and animated by Shidokht Dezham-Shahabi, the 5-minute animation will be among the competition titles at the 11th run of the Italian event.
Produced at Tehran University of Art, ‘Eat, Ate…’ is a short comedy that tries to cast a comedic light on various food habits of different countries and cultures.
“In the search for his mother during an Iranian wedding ceremony, the little lamb learns about food customs around the world… ,” a brief synopsis for the short animation reads.
The film has already taken part in a number of events, including the Tehran International Short Film Festival in Iran, the Topaz Film Festival in the US, and the Athens ANIMFEST in Greece.
The Tracce Cinematografiche Film Fest hosts films from around the world and screens short films up to 16 minutes.
The 11th edition of the event, to be held on June 28-July 3, 2022, will also host Iran’s ‘Identibye’ directed by Sajjad Shahhatami, Navid Nikkhah-Azad’s ‘The Recess’, and ‘Echo’ directed by Barzan Rostami.