Directed by Seyyed-Hamed Mohsenpour, the film is a social drama about the life of a righteous man of age and wisdom.
Hajji Hojjat finds out his son is involved in an illegal deal as he is preparing for his annual ceremony to give out votive food for charity during the Islamic month of Muharram.
The distinguished man takes action to prevent his son from dealing in tainted meat, but it becomes a double disaster for him when the same tainted meat is found in his own food for charity.
To get a better grasp of the plot of the feature, one should know that during the month of Muharram people try to reach out to the ones in need so they prepare food for them.
The prepared food that is called votive or Nazri will be handed out to the poor.
Ahou Kheradmand, Fakhreddin Seddiq-Sharif, Sina Razani, and Houshang Tavakkoli are among the cast members of the film.
‘Once More Rain’ will hit the air at 22:00 GMT on July 30, 2022.
It will also be repeated the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 15:00 (all GMT times).