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فارسی عربي

Tramping through Ibn Babawayh cemetery

Ibn Babawayh is a historical cemetery where many notable Iranians have been laid to rest.

Ibn Babawayh, which is situated in the ancient city of Rey, southern Tehran, is a historical cemetery where several notable Iranians have been laid to rest. 

Walking through the graveyard, you can visit the graves of well-known Iranians such as the contemporary author Jalal Al-e Ahmad, Hossein Behzad, the eminent miniaturist, the well-known linguist, poet, and scholar Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda, and Gholam-Reza Takhti, the iconic Iranian wrestler, to name a few.  

Moreover, it was once home to numerous family mausoleums with exquisite historical structures, but many of them have been destroyed as a result of urban development projects.

The name of this cemetery has been driven from the name of Mohammad Ibn-e Babawayh or Al-Shaykh al-Saduq, an Islamic theologian. The tomb of this great faqih is placed in the same cemetery.  

The cemetery, which was initially constructed during the rule of the Samanids, has been destroyed numerous times and for a variety of reasons, including the Mongol invasion, several civil wars, and natural disasters.

