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Corn-loving aliens to pop up in ‘Chicky and the Fox’

In the ninth episode of ‘Chicky and the Fox’, corn-loving aliens are to rule the jungle.

In the ninth episode of ‘Chicky and the Fox’, corn-loving aliens are to rule the jungle.

On a calm evening, while Fox is having corn for dinner, he notices the presence of an unearthly creature who tries to put hand over his yummy food in the cub.

He first resists and tries to take back the meal, but he learns a bitter fact about the aliens later and wishes to help them out.

Of course we are talking about Fox, whose one and only mission in life is to devise a plan to get rid of Mr. Rooster and his family.

So, he misinforms the alien about how the feathered family are the ones who never let anyone else have corns.

Watch tonight’s episode of the show titled ‘Corn for Aliens’ to see how Fox’s plan backfires this time.

‘Chicky and the Fox’ revolves around the daily antics of a rooster who lives with his bustling feathered family. Known for his early morning crowing, the rooster's jubilant wake-up calls become a source of annoyance for his fox neighbor.

Fox, determined to catch a few more winks, continuously hatches elaborate schemes to silence the rooster's crow.

