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How did Fox become a mother?

A little baby is to change Fox's life!

Upon a very normal day, when Fox is simply preparing a meal, a little baby crying at his door may become a game changer in his life.

A little baby accidentally finds its way to Fox’s doorstep, leading the cute loner to believe it’s a godsend.

However, taking care of a little baby may be much harder than he could imagine. Will he keep the kid or will he come up with a mean plan to get rid of it?

Find out the answer tonight in ‘Chicky and the Fox’.

‘Chicky and the Fox’ revolves around the daily antics of a rooster who lives with his bustling feathered family.

Known for his early morning crowing, the rooster's jubilant wake-up calls become a source of annoyance for his fox neighbor.

Fox, determined to catch a few more winks, continuously hatches elaborate schemes to silence the rooster's crow.

