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Beirut Int'l film festival to screen Iran ‘A Girl in the Room’

The Iranian feature ‘A Girl in the Room’ to compete in 17th Beirut Int’l filmfest

The Iranian movie ‘A Girl in the Room’ has been accepted for competition in the 17th Beirut international film festival.

Directed by Karim Lak Zadeh, the movie circles around a girl living in Germany, who plans to travel home to visit her father in a Turkish-speaking village close to Iran-Turkey border.

The festival will hold competition in feature and short film sections at domestic, Middle-East and international levels. It is known as the directors’ festival. The festival has, in the past, been host to renowned directors such as late Abbas Kiarostami (Iranian), Francis Ford Coppola, and Marco Mueller.

The 17th Beirut international film festival is slated to be held October 4-12, 2017 in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

Fidan Film is distributing ‘the girl in the room’ internationally.

