فارسی عربي

Image of the Year Celebration picks best photographer

Image of the Year Celebration in Iran selects Mohammad-Hossein Velayati as best photographer of the year.

Latest Image of the Year Celebration in Iran has selected Mohammad-Hossein Velayati as best photographer of the year.

Velayati received the Vahid Abad Photographer of the Year award during the closing ceremony of the festival at the Iranian Artists Forum in Tehran on Friday.

The Image of the Year Celebration also awarded other winners of various categories, including the cartoon section, in which the best award went to Sahar Fattah; while the poster section saw Ali Modiri grabbing the top honor.

The Vahid Abad Photographer of the Year award has been named after photographer Vahid Sohrabi Abad, who last year was electrocuted at the age of 28.

