فارسی عربي


iFilm English to end ‘Like a Nightmare’

iFilm English TV Channel has set to air the final episode of ‘Like a Nightmare’ on Thursday.

The final episode of the series, directed by Shahram Shah-Hosseini, will be aired on February 8, 2024.

In the series, a murder took place thirty years ago. The murder still haunts the lives of the people affected by it.

The man accused of the crime fled the country, but after three decades he has come back to settle some old scores and right some old wrongs.

The series cast list includes Bahram Ebrahimi-YazdiZohreh HamidiSharareh DolatabadiMohammad SadeqiParinaz IzadyarDaryoush Farhang, and Sara Bahrami.

‘Like a Nightmare’, produced in 2011, will be replaced by ‘Leaded Stars’ directed by Mohammad-Reza Ahanj.

