Directed by Mohammad-Mehdi Asgarpour, the series tells the story of Maliheh, a highly religious woman, who has her faith tested after her husband, Haj Morteza, gets back from a trip to Karbala.
Haj Morteza seems troubled and anxious to tell her something and soon she’s going to find out why.
Notable on the cast list are Roya Teymourian, Marjaneh Golchin, Mehrdad Ziaee, Hamed Komeili, Linda Kiani, Mahmoud Pakniyyat, Maryam Boubani, Ramin Rastad, Felor Nazari, Rahim Norouzi, and Sima Tirandaz.
Don’t miss the first episode of ‘Warm Breath’ tonight at 18:00 GMT.